Volunteers at a tree planting event put on by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Richmond's Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities in Jefferson Hill Park, Richmond, VA, October 2023.


Biochar being gathered for  soil amendment, Richmond, VA, October 2023.


Soil beneath a former tennis court at Fonticello Park in the midst of the soil amendment process, Richmond, VA December 2023.


Michael Gee, Arborist and Labor Crew Supervisor with Richmond’s Workforce Development Program poses for a portrait after a day facilitating soil amendment in Fonticello Park, Richmond, VA, December 2023.


Department of Public Works and Public Utilities employees Samuel Grooms and Jerry Talley organize bins used to collect waste from city residents for The Richmond Compost Initiative at the Wickham Court composting facility, Richmond, VA November 2023. 


Waste contributed by city residents to The Richmond Compost Initiative is mixed at the Wickham Court composting Facility, Richmond, VA, November 2023.


Mark Davis, owner of Real Roots Food Systems poses for a portrait at the Wickham Court Composting Facility, Richmond, VA November 2023. Davis is contracted by the City of Richmond to direct the The Richmond Compost Initiative which is loosely based on a similar program in Philadelphia.


Compost generated by The Richmond Compost Initiative is loaded into a truck at the Wickham Court composting facility for transport to a community garden, Richmond, VA, November 2023.


Volunteers plant trees at Canoe Run Park during an event facilitated by Capital Trees, Keep Virginia Beautiful, and the Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities, Richmond, VA, October 2023.


A community planting event at Fonticello Park on a piece of land formerly home to a tennis court which received the soil amendment protocol developed by The Virginia Department of Frestry and Virginia Tech, Richmond, VA, December 2023.


Ethan Jones (13), participates in a planting event put on by the Richmond Department of Parks Recreation and Community Facilities, Richmond, VA, December 2023.


A piedmont grassland ecosystem has developed at the former site of a tennis court in Fonticello Park in Richmond, VA, July 2024. The parcel of land received the soil amendment process developed by The Virginia Department of Forestry and Virginia Tech incorporating biochar and compost before the plantings.


Flowers of Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria) seen amongst grasses that have proliferated where there was once a tennis court in Fonticello Park, Richmond, VA, July 2024.

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